Instructions to presenters

Presenters in Oral Sessions

  • Please make sure to be in the session room at least 15 minutes before the start of your sessions to meet your session chair and upload your presentation on the laptop dedicated to the session room.
  • Do not use your own laptop as last minute problems may occur due to compatibility with the projector.
  • Make sure that your presentation does not exceed the allocated time. In a 90-minute session with 5 papers, the total time per paper is 18 minutes including questions and answers.
  • Therefore, your presentation should not exceed 15 minutes in order to leave some time for questions and switch over between speakers.

Presenters in Poster Sessions

  • The poster boards will be located in the Exhibits Hall just outside the Bordeaux Auditorium, level 3 Paris side
  • Please be there and place your posters 15 minutes before the start of the sessions. There will be student volunteers and staff to help and provide the required material.
  • A poster presentation lasts 90 minutes. You need to be there during the entire session.
  • Note that the poster boards have a width of 1 meter and a height of 2 meters.